Benjamin Horns
May 25 - June 25, 2016
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan (detail)
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan (detail)
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan (detail)
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan
Benjamin Horns, 2016, installation view, Galleria Federico Vavassori, Milan
- 2025
Giangiacomo Rossetti
November 29, 2024 - January 10, 2025 -
Ganz kleine
November 6 - November 22, 2024 -
Kaspar Müller
when we turn, we reappear
September 18 - October 18, 2024 -
Gianni Piacentino
June 25 - July 25, 2024 -
Vincent Murnaghan
Tuscan Landscape Painting
May 22 - June 18, 2024 -
claude rutault
March 12 - April 26, 2024
The 3-second rule of thumb
Curated by Kaspar Müller
December 15, 2023 - February 2, 2024 -
Daniele Milvio
Le Faremo Sapere.
September 21 - October 27, 2023 -
June 6 - July 7, 2023 -
Bill Hayden
café Uranus
May 4 - 31, 2023 -
Gianni Piacentino
March 22 - April 23, 2023
Emil Michael Klein
January 17 - February 17, 2023
Osama Al Rayyan
November 9 - December 16, 2022 -
Rochelle Goldberg
Ghost Centrale
September 16 - October 21, 2022 -
Beatrice Marchi
Who crushed the Evil Turtle?
June 8 - July 29, 2022 -
Kaspar Müller
Maintenance 2
March 30 - May 13, 2022 -
6 Bagatelles
Osama Al Rayyan
Beatrice Marchi
Daniel Murnaghan
Matthew Pang
Giangiacomo Rossetti
Cinzia RuggeriFebruary 15 - March 18, 2022
- 2021
PaJaMa (Paul Cadmus, Jared French, Margaret Hoening French)
September 25 - November 15, 2020
Jared Madere
In the back of the restaurant I made him kiss the ring: Haunted House in the Key of New Years
Paths to G-ddess~ Tiny Dick Timmy Ricochet~ Live from the Geomancer’s Clit Ring
You say one thing and everyone acts like you don’t mean the opposite of it at the same time tooFebruary 13 - March 27, 2020
Renata Boero
Tempo e Tempi
November 15, 2019 - January 10, 2020 -
Doriana Chiarini
IN GRANDE! Scultura a dismisura
Curated by Mariuccia CasadioSeptember 18 - October 31, 2019
Cinzia Ruggeri
la règle du jeu?
June 25 - August 9, 2019 -
Genoveva Filipovic
May 14 - June 20, 2019 -
Emil Michael Klein
March 15 - April 19, 2019 -
Daniel Murnaghan
February 8 - March 9, 2019
Dario Guccio
Urnas plebeyas, túmulos reales
December 14, 2018 - January 25, 2019 -
Michael Pollard, Eric Schmid
Life is good
October 26 - November 24, 2018 -
Daniele Milvio
A Milano non si usa
September 14 - October 12, 2018 -
Tra l'inquietudine e il martello
July 16 - August 11, 2018 -
Rochelle Goldberg
1000 "emotions"
May 25 - June 30, 2018 -
Green Tea Gallery at Federico Vavassori
Amore Atomico di Amore di Lava
Curated by United BrothersApril 18 - May 19, 2018
Bill Hayden and Greg Parma Smith
Legend of Festival and Enclosure
March 16 - April 15, 2018 -
Cinzia Ruggeri
Umbratile con Brio
Curated by Mariuccia Casadio
February 9 - March 10, 2018
Kaspar Müller
December 21, 2017 - January 27, 2018 -
Lisa Ponti
MERAVIGLIOSASeptember 15 - October 14, 2017
Genoveva Filipovic & Daniel Murnaghan
May 25 - July 1, 2017 -
Rosa Aiello
27 seasons
March 29 - April 29, 2017 -
Giangiacomo Rossetti
February 16 - March 18, 2017 -
Matthias Gabi
January 12 - February 11, 2017
Matthew Watson
Surplus to Requirements
November 25 - December 23, 2016 -
Dario Guccio feat. Andrea Cleopatria
Referendum sull'aeroplano
October 25 - November 19, 2016 -
Erika Landström
September 9 - October 8, 2016 -
Benjamin Horns
May 25 - June 25, 2016 -
Emil Michael Klein
April 06 - May 14, 2016
Daniele Milvio
November 9 – December 5, 2015 -
Matteo Callegari
September 17 – October 24, 2015 -
Rochelle Goldberg
The Cannibal Actif
June 5 – July 4, 2015 -
Mélanie Matranga / Oliver Payne
Organized by Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen
April 10 – May 9, 2015 -
Dario Guccio
Hammer, Chewing Gum, Evasion, Destruction
January 16 – February 14, 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
May 25 - June 25, 2016
A loft is defined by absence of vertical structural supports piercing the floorplates. It is one of the few domestic architectural typologies which is not defined by use but by a strict structural nomos: its emptiness promises flexibility and its value increases by how much emptiness its engineering virtuosism allows. Most other domestic typologies are described by gendered division of house labour, for example many 18th century french architecture treaties attempted the codification of the bourgeois apartment as a function of the predicted social relations of its inhabitants: served and servant spaces, kitchens, master bedroom, women’s quarters, laundry rooms, distribution, and so on. The indeterminacy of the loft, its purely utilitarian structural definition, seems to allow new domestic relations, a carte blanche to define novel household compounds: a place to live and work, a space to party, a space for polyamorous relationships, a space for single men.
For Aldo Rossi the genealogy of an architectural type is defined by the sum of all its experiences and memories together with its formal rather than material qualities. So if the structural definition is not enough, attempting to follow the evolution of all experiences and memories proves to be a rather imprecise exercise, a necessarily subjective journey. The word loft originates from the germanic luftand the dutch lucht, both meaning air/sky, thus identifying the loft as a space directly under the roof of a building, the closest to the expanse of the atmosphere above, one that, arguably in any building tradition, maximises the space available in the floorplan by virtue of being an interstitial space between the vertical supports of the floor/s below and the structure of the roof above.
One could be tempted to bypass the etymological definition and place the origins of the loft closer to the typology of the Dutch Canal House and the Venetian Palazzo. Both have to negotiate the spatial needs of a trade economy based on water transportation, therefore offer both ample space for storage and equally ample space for reception. The Venetian Palazzo more than the Dutch House has developed a fully formed and consistent typology, evident in the element of the portego. This is an oblong space which connects the water door with the street entrance of a Palazzo; at ground level it is also a space to store goods and boats, while in the floors above it constitutes the longitudinal focus of the house, a large salon for reception, dining and partying. It is only here that we can connect the definition of the modern loft as columnless space with a direct connection to its current use (experiences and memories) and its historical precedent. The portego is an abstract matrix which connects vectors of production and reproduction; in a strikingly similar way the canonical New York (formerly New Amsterdam) Loft is a space appropriated from industrial production to gestate the unholy marriage of life and labour, officiated by the artist.
Where the portego reaches the sky differentiating its functional emptiness on the vertical axis the New York Loft (NYL) establishes a gradient of functions on the horizontal plate: hot and cold zones, work and rest zones, and so on. From XVIII century Venice to XX century New York City the material and economic conditions have determined the emergence of a precise typology directly influenced by movements of capital, both ending up in longitudinal voids surrounded by exposed bricks and/or stucco, but what is most visible is how the amass of experiences and memories coagulates in real estate formulas: typology is the ultimate expendable currency for an economy driven by experience.
Alessandro Bava